The Goddess
Okay, I'm not really a goddess. I'm just a 20 year old college student and a bright blue dot in a red state. I'm currently trying to find ways to live greener and generally decrease my impact on the planet, and that's what this blog is all about. And maybe just a little bit of humor.


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May 21, 2007

Well, here goes nothing. My first post. I've worked all day to get this blog looking pretty and I don't really know why. The content will be the same no matter how nice my graphics are, but I pride myself almost as much on my computer skills as I do my writing ability. So, there you have it.

A lot of blogs I've encountered have featured lists of "101 things to do 1001 days". I think that would be a good thing for me to do, in my quest to live better. A lot of this blog will be dedicated to my quest to be greener, but I'm almost looking to improve my life in a lot of ways. So, over the course of this week I'll lay out my plan for self-improvement, 16 or 17 things a day. Here is the list for tonight.

1. Learn a lot more about cooking so that I can eat less processed food.
2. Turn off and unplug things that I'm not using.
3. Buy more recycled products.
4. Lose the 20lbs I've gained at college, and maybe more.
5. Find a birth control pill that works better for me and my hormones.
6. Work more with my on campus group, Appalachians for a Cleaner Environment.
7. Construct and perform my own rituals for every sabbat this year.
8. Try to become more familiar with my two tarot decks.
9. Meditate more!
10. Make at least one trip to the Unitarian Universalist church.
11. Clean up my room and gather up things to sell at the flea market.
12. Attend Mountain Justice Summer Camp next summer.
13. Get a 3.0 or above every semester so that I get my state scholarship back.
14. Reduce my waste (especially paper) as much as I can.
15. Use as many natural or organic products as are available to me.
16. Begin writing my novel(s).

So, I think that list gives anyone who might be reading this a decent idea of the type of person I am. And it's much easier than actually trying to describe myself. Hooray for killing multiple birds with one stone.

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Granola Goddess @ 12:09 AM