The Goddess
Okay, I'm not really a goddess. I'm just a 20 year old college student and a bright blue dot in a red state. I'm currently trying to find ways to live greener and generally decrease my impact on the planet, and that's what this blog is all about. And maybe just a little bit of humor.


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May 24, 2007

I can't think of a title.

As of today, I've accomplished one thing on my 101 things list. Instead of trying to get in touch with Maggie, she got in touch with me. We talked about boys and parties, the two favorite topics of college girls everywhere. We also talked about the very slim chance of her coming back to my college. We've both grown up a bit since the year we wasted together, and I think it would work out a lot better for both of us now. If her divorce hasn't completely screwed up any chance of financial aid, I think there's a very good chance she'll be back at Union with me.

I feel very crafty today. I wanted to work on my quilt. I go through phases where I work on it quite a bit, then I abandon it completely for months and years at a time. At the rate I'm going, it'll be finished in time to keep my first grandchild warm. Unfortunately, it won't get finished at all if I can't find the quilt blocks. I was certain they were in my closet, but I can't find them. It might help if I had a light in the closet though -- I'll have to add CFL bulbs to my shopping list for this week.

It's getting hard to come up with more things for this list. I think I'll give myself a day or two to think about it. So far I haven't added a lot of big, long-term goals to it. I think that's something I need to focus on for the second half of the list. Maybe I'll update it tomorrow.

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Granola Goddess @ 7:04 PM

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Welcome to the world of green. Thanks for stopping by my blog Endangered Spaces.

If you would like to, you can submit a post for the Carnival of Blogging Chicks at Texas RV Travel blog

The topic is: What are your plans for summer?

Email to cybercelt at cooladz dot com by Sunday noon.

That'll get you going with posting.

Posted by Blogger CyberCelt @ May 25, 2007 at 1:45 AM #

Fill your days one step at a time. There's only so much you can do :)

bamboo and organic clothing

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous @ August 8, 2008 at 1:39 PM #

My stylist recommended this product for my medium to long hair that tends to have some wave and frizz. I

have never had a flat iron, but I can successfully get the smooth, straight look I want in 7 minutes, and my hair is pretty thick. The iron heats up in one minute, and is easy to use because of its slim

design. I would recommend not starting at anything beyond the 35-40 setting to start with or you may really damage your hair. Other than that, this is a great purchase and I'm happy to have it!

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous @ December 29, 2012 at 4:18 PM #

I have natural ethnic hair (very curly and thick, but not course). I transitioned from braids to a natural style using Moroccan Oil Intense Curl Creme. I love this product. My hair

stays very hydrated, and I can create a variety of natural styles using the Intense Curl. I also take my product to my hair stylist. She also loves the product. There are no artificial chemicals, and is very

safe on natural hair.

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous @ December 29, 2012 at 7:11 PM #
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